2024 Mike Lezak Award - Andrew Guidetti

Andrew Guidetti

Congratulations to Andrew Guidetti on being named the 2024 Mike Lezak Award recipient!

While growing up on his family’s beef cattle farm, Andrew Guidetti wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, but he knew he wanted to work outdoors and not be stuck inside.

Guidetti’s parents also instilled in him a desire to help others. Those two qualities have culminated in Guidetti being honored as this year’s recipient of the Mike Lezak Award for Volunteer Service. The Chamber presents this award annually in memory of former Chamber President Mike Lezak.

“I feel very honored and humbled,” Guidetti said about the recognition. “I have always been willing to lend a hand. With my upbringing, I was always willing to help out the neighbors.”

Because of Guidetti’s roles as a traffic manager and Public Properties Maintenance supervisor for the City of Wooster, “I kind of fell into volunteering,” he said.

As a representative of the city, Guidetti found himself attending a variety of Chamber meetings, where he met a lot of people. Those encounters “turned into friendships, which lead to more volunteer opportunities,” he said.

Guidetti has volunteered for Woosterfest, the Wayne County Home & Garden Show, and with the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park.

As for how volunteering for the Chamber influenced him professionally, he said he was able to build a lot of business contacts and make connections with others in the community. As for how it influenced him personally, “It is the satisfaction of helping the community in so many different ways,” Guidetti said. He has appreciated building new friendships.

Guidetti studied at The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute. He planned to start a landscaping business, but he ended up working on traffic signals for a Wadsworth company before eventually working for McClintock Electric and the city.

For anyone considering becoming a volunteer for the Chamber, Guidetti’s simple advice is “do it.”

Michelle Rothgery