Educational Series: The Top 5 Videos Every Small Business Should Have in 2022

Mike Myers, Owner and Founder of Caret Film Co., hosted an Educational Series at the Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce offering attendees insight on the importance of video marketing and the top five videos every business should have in 2022. Why is video so important and which videos should your company be sure to have in its back pocket? Read on to learn more.

The Importance of Video Marketing in 2022

While you may not be surprised to hear that video dominates the marketing sphere, you may be surprised to hear just how much video has overtaken marketing within the past few years. Here are just a few statistics Myers offered that illuminate just how prominent video is:

  • The average person views 100 minutes of video content per day.

  • 55% of shopper rely on online video while actually shopping in the store.

  • 68% of consumers prefer watching a video to reading about a product.

  • 54% of consumers want to see more video content this year.

  • As of 2020, there are a million minutes of video crossing the minute per second and an estimated 82% of internet traffic is video.

When we consider how and why we prefer video over other forms of marketing content, these stats are not all that surprising. We know video isn’t going away. With this much “noise” out there, these are the best videos for companies to focus on as they develop a video marketing strategy.

1. Anthem Video

This is the “about us” video that offers insight into who your company is. These help build brand awareness and establish rapport with your target consumer. Anthem videos offer you a space to talk about your mission, your goals, you accomplishments, and anything else you feel is worth highlighting for the world to see. In many cases, anthem videos will serve as legacy videos, offering insight into your company’s history, which can be particularly moving for multi-generational companies. These are typically around 3-4 minutes and showcase the products/services you offer and the why behind the origin of your company.

Due to their length, these videos can easily be repurposed into smaller clips for use on social media platforms or in multiple places on your website.

2. Customer Testimonials

There is no better way to tell people that your product or service is great than by other people sharing their experiences utilizing your product or service. Generally, word of mouth is considered to be one of the most trustworthy sources of marketing. People believe other people. Testimonials can create very emotional and relatable videos that will convince people to patronize your business in ways no other marketing tool can.

3. Product Demo

These videos showcase a product or service and are more in line with what most people consider to be traditional commercials. These often demonstrate a problem the client or customer has and how your company can solve that problem and also how your brand or product stands out from the competition. These videos can serve to create an impression of your overall company or provide specific demonstrations of products in use, as we see often on Amazon that enable customers to see how a product works before they buy it.

These can also be used as internal tools for familiarizing employees with a company’s products or services.

4. Internal Videos

These often include onboarding, training, and safety videos that familiarize new employees with a company’s products, procedures, and policies. These are among the most valuable videos, even if they are the most often overlooked. Internal videos enable companies to save time and money during the onboarding and training process to bring new employees up to speed.

5. Culture Based Videos

These are the videos that will encourage the next generation to come work for your company. These videos showcase your company culture and offer an authentic view of who you are, what you do, and why. These recruitment videos showcase the kinds of relationships you cultivate within your office, the atmosphere you nourish, and what it’s like to work within your company.

Download Mike’s presentation to learn more about the Top 5 Videos Every Small Business Should Have in 2022. Contact Mike at to discover how video marketing can help your company grow.