Sweet Success!
Wayne County Lemonade Day Kids are empowered by sugar, water, and lemons to be their own boss for the day and operate their very first business - a lemonade stand.
Each year, Wayne County Lemonade Day Kids and their mentors squeeze so much fun out of Lemonade Day! Young Entrepreneurs set up their lemonade stands across Wayne County in Apple Creek, Creston, Orrville, Shreve, and Wooster to be their own bosses for the day.
Through the program, each kid is encouraged to Save Some, Spend Some, and Share Some of their profits. Kids set goals to buy toys, video games, Cedar Point tickets, a subscription to Crunch Labs, decorations for a pet frog's tank, to save for a family vacation, college, and so much more! Some are donating a portion of their proceeds to organizations that they are passionate about such as O'Huddle, Wayne County Humane Society, The Wilderness Center, Wooster YMCA, Kids and Giggles, Veterans' causes, Wooster Youth Baseball, Akron Children's Hospital, Australian Wildlife Fund, The Loveland Foundation, and more.
We look forward to seeing what these creative future leaders come up with this year!
Support the next generation of business leaders through a Lemonade Day Sponsorship
Due to the support of our generous sponsors in 2024, we were able to engage over 30 youth across Wayne County and we are looking to help an even greater number of youth realize their potential in 2025! Last year, we hosted two Lemonade Day Workshops to help kids and their mentors brainstorm for their businesses and we look forward to facilitating those again this year. We invite you to share in this opportunity to plant the seed of entrepreneurship within the next generation and create the business leaders, social advocates, community volunteers, and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow. An investment in Lemonade Day will ensure the materials, curriculum, and all events are free to every kid who participates in Wayne County. As a supporter, you will foster a one-of-a-kind experiential learning opportunity that impacts character, teaches financial literacy and business acumen, engages mentors, and provides hands-on experiences for kids to make a profit, save some for a rainy day, and give some to a charity of their choice - all while squeezing as much fun out of the experience as possible!
Congratulations to our 2024 Lemonade Day, Wayne County Award Winners!
Kids find their zest for entrepreneurship during our Lemonade Day workshop!
How we view ourselves and the world around us impacts our ability to dream and achieve. In today’s innovation economy, where needs and opportunities are evolving faster and more fluidly than ever before, our youth need a mindset that equips them to recognize opportunity, take initiative, and innovate in the face of challenges.
Kids have the ability to develop attributes of an entrepreneurial mindset through the Lemonade Day experience of learning and acting as an entrepreneur.
Lemonade Day is a FREE community-wide, educational initiative designed to teach children how to start, own, and operate their own business — a lemonade stand!
The Lemonade Day, Wayne County program offers children the opportunity to set achievable business goals, develop plans for achieving those goals, follow through on those plans, and achieve the dream of running a successful business. The program encourages financial literacy by inviting participants to determine costs, set a budget, earn a profit, and even give back to the community by donating a portion of their proceeds to a charity of their choice.
And most important? Lemonade Day gives the kids a chance to have a lot of fun!
The program culminates when children set up lemonade stands across Wayne county to see their entrepreneurial dreams come to life. Community members are encouraged to patronize the different locations and support these budding entrepreneurs in their quest for the American Dream!
For more information, contact Michelle Rothgery at mrothgery@woosterchamber.com or call the Chamber team at (330) 262-5735.