The fifth annual Let It Glow holiday light competition will run from Friday, December, 6 - Friday, December 27! lAST year, over 12,900 people viewed the google map to tour the area and see the lights. Over 600 votes were cast for LAST year’s people’s choice award.

Experience the magic of the season with our holiday light display contest. Text 575-235-7416 to vote for your favorite! Plan your route using our interactive Google Map.

*NEW THIS YEAR* Let It Glow extends beyond homes. We are excited to introduce the Best Business/Storefront Display contest this year!

Text the entry number to vote for your favorite Business/Storefront Display.

Community Voting for People’s Choice and Best Business/Storefront Display is open from Friday, December 6 - Friday, December 27. Text the number of your favorite for both categories. Two texts are permitted per phone number. One for the People’s Choice and one for the Best Business/Storefront.


• A map is available below marking the location of each participating location.

• Each entry will have a number displayed on a yard sign.

• Vote anytime from Friday, December 6 – Friday, December 27

• Winners will be contacted as well as posted on social media


Best in Show: $100 prize Selected by: MCTV

Clark Griswold: $100 prize Selected by: McClintock Electric

People's Choice: $100 cash prize Selected by: Community Vote

*NEW THIS YEAR* Best Business/Storefront Display


Thank you to our sponsors:



Congratulations to our 2023 Let It Glow Award winners!

Congratulations to our 2022 Let It Glow Award winners!

Copy of Copy of Let it Glow 2020 Winners.png